Due to our move this year from ClubV1 to the Scottish Golf system we have a new website which we are currently constructing. The web page address is You can no longer enter competitions using the old Wordpress website.
Once the Competition is open for entry, can register to play either through the website or via the Scottish Golf App.
Registering on the Website
Access the MEMBERS tab on the website. Click on to MEMBER LOGIN and type in your membership number (CDH number) and Password (used for Scottish Golf).
When you have logged in, Competition Events will be displayed on the right-hand side of the MEMBER HOME page. From the menu on the left-hand side of the page, select EVENT CALENDAR. When registration for an event is live, you will be able to click on the green box on the event. Your details will then be displayed. Select the timeslot (only one timeslot will be displayed) and then continue to checkout. You will then receive the message “Successfully registered please settle the payment with the club”. A small reminder that we ask you to pay £2 to those on the desk on the day of competition!
Registering through the Scottish Golf App
To register, you can use the Scottish Golf App on your phone. When you go onto the app you will see a trophy shaped design at the bottom right-hand side of the screen with the word EVENTS below it. Click on the icon.
You will then see the name of your home club at the top of the page with an arrow down next to it. If you press on the arrow and then type in DALCGA and you should see us listed. Press on the county and the competition should be there.
You then press on the SELECT button and then the shopping basket icon at the top of the page. Then in COMPETITION ZONE choose the slot available (there will only be one).
Our first Competition is a foursome competition and, therefore, slightly more complicated as you have to add your partner. For this foursomes competition you need to add your playing partner at ADD PLAYER . To do this you need to know what club they are a member of and once you have selected their club search on their surname, Then pick them (YOUR PARTNER DOES NOT HAVE TO REGISTER FOR THIS COMPETITION AS YOU HAVE DONE THIS FOR THEM).
Then you CONTINUE TO PAYMENT but don't worry you won't be paying anything. After this you will receive an email confirming you have registered for the competition. Your playing partner will not receive an email. Also when on the app on your dashboard the competition will show as one of your bookings.
On the day of the competition we will be signing all competitors into the competition and this will create a scorecard on your app to complete.
This is a link to the Scottish golf assistance to help you through this process if you are struggling with my guidance.
We understand this is a big change and a learning curve for us all. We expect we will come across issues but together we will manage this process together. If anyone is struggling to get registered for the competition can they please contact Lynn Hain on 07806-774191.
Caroline and Lynn
Ballot Secretaries