
Eligibility for Membership

  • To be eligible to join D&ALCGA, applicants have to be born, or currently residing in East Dunbartonshire, West Dunbartonshire or Argyll.
  • Applicants must also be a member of a golf club affiliated to Scottish Golf and located in these counties.
  • Membership of the Association is open to women, defined as female from birth, fulfilling the qualifications specified in Scottish Golf Limited’s Regulations.
  • Applicants must have a WHI handicap of 36 or less.

Annual subscriptions

Annual subscriptions are due for payment by 30th November prior to the playing year. This will allow members to participate in the Winter Foursomes should they so wish.

Annual subscriptions should be paid, preferably by bank transfer or Standing Order. Cheques or cash are acceptable.

 Click on the links below to download an application form to join the County. (MS Word Format)



Resignations should be made in writing to the Honorary Secretary by the end of October.

Categories of Membership and Annual Subscriptions

The categories of membership and annual subscriptions are detailed below:-


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