Here at Dunbartonshire and Argyll Ladies County Golf Association we have a thriving Junior Girls
Section. Throughout the year we offer Coaching Sessions, Junior Competitions, a Junior
Championship and access to the many events, matches and medals that are hosted by the West
or Scotland Girls Golfing Association.
We cater for girls of all ages and abilities and giris who have a Worlds Handicap Index of 36 and
below can also play in all the ladies medals and competitions.
In addition to the medals, events and competitions already mentioned, every season we compete
in the Kennedy Salver. This competition is the Junior equivalent of the Ladies West Counties
Jamboree. Our team were successtul In winning the 2U23 competition.
This is another great opportunity for the girls to meet and play competitively with girls from the
other Counties in the West of Scotland and although competitive, it is great fun for the girls to play
in while meeting and making new friends.
Membership for girls aged 19 - 21 years which is £20 (annual subscription).